The Internet is the best known and most widely used example of a global computer-mediated communication system
Training: Resources to help learn about how to use the Internet
Web Text: Internet Web Text; an online textbook for learning about the Internet; includes links to online guides and reference information
Internet Docs: Internet document archives; repository of Internet RFC/STD/FYI/BCP documents; a collection of information on topics related to the Internet, including historical memos; includes the Request for Comments (RFC) series of notes used to exchange information about Internet topics; many of these notes are of value for their historical interest; also includes FYI (For Your Information), STD (standards), and BCP (Internet Best Current Practices)
History: History of the Internet; section from the Internet Society's Web site of resources to learn about how the Internet has come to be what it is
Tools: Net tools; a summary of software tools used on the Internet for information, interaction, and communication
Searching: Resources to find information on the Internet
Keyword: Keyword-oriented search engines online
Subjects: Subject-oriented directories of online information
Lookup: Quick reference information resources
People: People locating resources; a list of resources to find people in online directories and search engines
IPL: Internet Public Library; provides library services to Internet users including: finding, evaluating, selecting, organizing, describing, and creating information resources; a public service organization and learning/teaching environment at the University of Michigan School of Information
Spaces: Net Space reference chart; gives you links to help you explore information spaces on the Internet--shows searching resources for different protocols and notes on now obsolete protocols
Archive: Internet Archive; builds an Internet library, with the purpose of offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format. more information go to web page.